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SharePoint Action Framework

SAF v2 is now freely available to download from CodePlex @
Major points worth noting in this release :
- Loads more actions to help you automatically configure SharePoint.
- Downloadable examples and documentation explaining how to run every Action.
- Run actions from an MSBuild project and pass properties.
- Run actions from a SharePoint Feature and pass properties.
- Run actions from StsAdm and pass properties.
- Support for Dynamic Properties - allowing you to pass values from one action to another.
- Support for Placeholders (tokens) allowing runtime replacement from these sources :
+ Web|app.config files,
+ Environment Variables,
+ Registry values,
+ MSBuild Properties
+ Feature Properties.
- Support for Expressions when setting properties on the actions.
- Improvements to logging using .Net tracing statements - easily viewable in DebugViewer.

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